Euklis Reaches Raising Goal in Equity Crowdfunding Campaign: 100,000 Raised!

Date: 17/07/2024

Euklis is pleased to announce that the equity crowdfunding campaign has successfully reached its funding goal of €100,000! This important milestone was achieved thanks to the trust and support of our investors, who share our vision for the future of authentication technologies and who believe in Predictive QR Code technology as the physical and logical authentication technology of the future. 
The campaign still remains open for further investment, and there are 11 days left until the end of the collection. There is still time to join us in this exciting adventure and become an integral part of a project that aims to revolutionize the industry with innovative, cutting-edge solutions.
We are immensely grateful to everyone who has contributed to the achievement of this goal, and we invite new investors to discover how their contributions can make a significant impact in our journey of growth and innovation.
For more details and to participate in the campaign, visit Euklis' page on Opstart: Click here